What is the duration of the programme?

The MPH programme is conceived as a two year course.

Can I directly enter the 2nd year?

Yes, you may start directly in 2nd year if you have already completed a 1st year master course (M1) or equivalent.

Is the MPH programme a part-time or full-time programme?

The MPH programme is a full-time programme.

Does the MPH programe offer distance (online) training?

The MPH programme does not offer distance training. It focuses on integration, interculturality and requires international mobility.

How are the courses organised over the two years?

The MPH programme is a two year Master’s course equivalent to 120 ECTS Credits. The first academic year covers core competences in public health. The second academic year is built as a specialisation year. Students may choose a specialisation course and accomplish a 4-6 month mandatory internship. Back to top


Can I apply for the 2025-2026 academic year?

The application process for the 2025-2026 intake will open on:
1st round : 16 December 2024 until 16 January 2025 (deadline 23:00 pm Paris time)
2nd round: 14 February until 14 March 2025 (deadline 23:00 pm Paris time)
If you would like to be notified when the application platform is open for the next intake, click on this link : MPH application form

What are the admission requirements?

Students and professionals can apply to this Master if they have at least a Bachelors degree in the following disciplines: economics, political sciences, management, social sciences, law, medicine, pharmacy, biology, veterinary or dentistry schools, engineering schools and a wide variety of scientific. Admission requirements are specified here.

What about the language of application?

Applications need to be filled in English, and all attached documents provided either in English or in French, with an English official/sworn translation if the original documents were issued in another language than French or English. Do not translate your official academic degree and transcripts yourself (it has to be either an official document in English/French issued by your university, or a copy of the original document translated by a sworn translator).

Can one apply directly to the one-year program?

Admission in the one-year program is open to holders of a M1 level. As a general rule all applicants with a bachelor (or “licence” in French) degree have to enroll in the M1 level. Students directly admitted in the one-year program according to these special provisions may be required to validate a limited number of M1 modules.

Can I apply if I have not received my previous degree yet?

Candidates who cannot provide a copy of their degree before the given deadline but are expected to graduate before September of the following academic year are eligible to apply. They have to submit a certificate from their university with the expected date of graduation and all transcripts to date, and provide a copy of the degree before the starting date of the programme.

What about references ?

You have to identify two different referees who will fill in an online recommendation form for you. Both recommendations must be written by persons who, by their meaningful position and their experience, may convince the selection committee that you have the motivation and ability to successfully follow the Master of Public Health. At least one form of recommendation should be from an academic or professional contact (lecturer, supervisor, work manager, etc).

In which language must recommendations be written?

Recommendation forms must be filled in in English or in French.

Who are the candidates? Is there an age limit?

Candidates come from all over the world and from various academic backgrounds. Some of them apply as soon as they finish their undergraduate studies, and some of them are professionals who want to develop their knowledge and skills in designing, planning, implementation, advising and assessment of health programmes or health and social service management. They can be graduate students in law, economics, management, public health, biology, medicine, engineering, etc…

There is no age limit. You can apply at any age provided that you meet the eligibility requirements in terms of study level and language proficiency. Back to top

EHESP application platform

How can I apply to the Master of Public Health on the EHESP application platform ?

You should submit your application on https://candidatures.ehesp.fr/en completely in English with all supporting documents uploaded. Before submitting your application, please read carefull the admission requirements and the Instruction for 2025 applicants, paying particular attention to those related to proof of language proficiency, which may require scheduling tests in advance. More information about application process here.

I am unable to submit my application.

If you are unable to submit your application it may be due to several reasons :
    1. You did not complete all the requested information : check the “form” part of your application and verify that you have completed all the compulsory fields.
    2. You did not upload all the requested documents : check the “mandatory documents” part and verify that you have provided all teh requested documents
    3. Your referees have not completed their recommendation forms yet : If you cannot submit your application even though you have uploaded all required documents, it may be because your referees have not completed their recommendation forms yet. Please note that your application cannot be submitted without one reference form at least.
    4. You have not validated the 1st page of the application form “Information” :Even though that you have completed your application file, you are unable to submit it. It may be because you did not validate the 1st page of the form “Information”. Please find here how to validate this page.
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English language proficiency

Which tests can I provide to EHESP to prove my English level?

To be eligible for the Master of Public Health program at EHESP, it is imperative to demonstrate that your command of the English language is sufficiently advanced to ensure your successful completion of the course. You can find here the updated information regarding the English language requirements.

Who can benefit from English language test exemption?

You can be exempted from providing English language test if you have studied at least two consecutive years within the same higher education degree programme, taught entirely in English. If this is your case, you must provide an official certificate (MoI – Medium of Instruction)* from your university stating that English is/was your unique language of instruction/examination. *In order to be eligible for the MPH application, the MoI m must contain the following information : It has to be on an official letter heading from the awarding institution duly signed or stamped or both; It should contain the applicant’s name; The name of the degree should be mentioned; The date of the certificate; The document must mention the course was taught in English; The certificate should say that the degree was ‘Awarded’, ‘Granted’ or ‘Conferred’; Contact details of the Institute or the awarding body; Contact details of the University; >Designation of the official issuing the certificate should be mentioned; The name and contact details of the official who issues the certificate should be present in the certificate as well.

I cannot provide a language proficiency test on time before the deadline – will my application be considered?

We take into consideration the fact that language proficiency tests such as the IELTS can take place shortly after application deadlines for the Master of Public Health programme. For this reason, we may accept delayed language test results up to 2 weeks after application deadline provided that it is clearly indicated in the application file (a confirmation of registration for the test and expected date of results must be included, otherwise the application will be considered as incomplete). Please note that you still need to submit the rest of your application before the deadline so that it is taken into account by the Selection Committee. As soon as your test results are available, they must be sent by email to mph@ehesp.fr, mentioning as a title of your message “Delayed language result – Last name First name”.

In my previous studies, courses were taught in English – do I still need to provide an English language certificate?

You can be exempted from providing English language test if you have studied at least two consecutive years within the same higher education degree programme, taught entirely in English. If this is your case, you must provide an official certificate (MoI – Medium of Instruction)* from your university stating that English is/was your unique language of instruction/examination. Back to top

Financial information

What costs can I expect while enrolled in the MPH program in Paris?

You can refer this webpage to find information about fees: https://mph.ehesp.fr/financial-information/fees/ While students are not required to purchase textbooks during the program, some courses may require the purchase of software. Therefore, you should anticipate spending between 30-90 euros in the first year. You must also come to school equipped with a computer with the following minimum system requirements:
      • 0 GHz dual-core processor (64-bit)
      • 4 GB RAM
      • 1680 x 1050 screen resolution
      • Microsoft Windows 8.1
      • Approximately 5 GB of available hard-disk space – or more depending on data storage needs
The school does not provide computers. Beside the training fees you will have costs for accommodation, transports in France and daily costs for life as well as health insurance. See here for more information about living costs in Rennes. See here for more information about living costs in Paris.

How can I ask for scholarships?

Please visit the “Funding your studies” webpage for more information on potential funding opportunities for MPH students. Back to top


Are my timetable and course details accessible?

Over the summer before entering the MPH program, you will be receiving access to CAMPUS, our virtual learning platform, thus allowing you to explore your new learning environment that will serve as a complement to your physical classes throughout the program.

My EHESP student email address

Provided that you have fulfilled all the compulsory formalities for enrolment at EHESP and paid the relevant tuition fees and tax, you will be sent your EHESP student email address as well as the temporary password over the summer before entering the MPH program. These login credentials will be sent in 2 separated emails. This EHESP email address will allow you to connect to EHESP Wi-Fi as well as others services.

Do students have to suggest where their Practicum will take place?

Yes, students may suggest a practicum subject and location which will be submitted to appreciation of the Master’s executive committee (the key determinant of acceptance being presence of a qualified senior who accepts to be the mentor in partnership with a MPH advisor). A list of practicum locations will also be proposed to all students who will have been accepted to enrol, for them to express their preferences (ranked from 1 to 3). The praticum can take place in France or in a foreign country.

Ehesp student regulations

The terms and conditions of our training services at EHESP are formalised in the EHESP student regulation extract. Back to top

How can I prepare for my arrival at EHESP France?

On the MPH website you can consult the Student life page where you will find useful information about the university, the towns, the country, some useful tips on living abroad, etc.

Where to find us?

MPH classes are located on the EHESP main campus in Rennes, Brittany. EHESP – 15 Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard – 35043 Rennes


Some foreign students need a visa and/or residence permit to be allowed to study in France. This depends on your nationality. Please refer to this page.

MPH alumnae: Public Health International Network (PHIN)

Public Health International Network (PHIN), a student-led association PHIN supports the graduate students of the MPH program. Commited to student diversity, PHIN thrives on the variety of cultural, academic and professional backgrounds of the members. They work towards enlarging their international network of graduate students and professional practitioners dedicated to public health initiatives worldwide. Discover PHIN here     Back to top


How to prepare your registration

If you are a new student arriving at EHESP for the next academic year, please follow the steps here to find out what you need to do.

Cancelling your registration

      • French students : In the event of withdrawal before the beginning of the academic year, the reimbursement of the registration fees is automatic upon request (excl. charge fees). Your request for reimbursement must be received by the institution before the start of the academic year*. In case of withdrawal after the beginning of the academic year, no refund will be possible.
      • EU and Non EU students : The refund conditions in case of withdrawal are specified in your student agreement, article n°7.
*Start and end dates of the MPH academic year are specified on your enrolment letter

What about affiliation to the French health insurance ?

In France, health insurance is compulsory for everybody and is called “Sécurité Sociale“. Affiliation is free. The affiliation process can be done through the website upon your arrival in France. Any useful information will be provided during the induction week in Paris at the end of August as well as a support to complete the affiliation process. In the meantime, you can have a look at the MPH website, section “health insurance”.

EHESP student card and certificate of enrolment

Provided that you have fulfilled all the compulsory formalities for enrolment at EHESP and paid the relevant tuition fees and tax, your will be sent your certificate of enrolment by mid-July. The student card will be ready for you to collect at the end of August, when we will welcome you on EHESP Parisian site. Back to top

MPH under the continuous education programme

I am not a student anymore and I have or have had a professsional position. May I apply to the MPH ?

Yes, you may apply if your application meets the admissions committee requirements. You can refer this webpage to find information about fees: https://mph.ehesp.fr/fees/ Back to top